Monday, 24 November 2014

Trying out my partners design

This is a new technique for me that I think is very effective and simple to do, start off by doing a normal three strand basic plat then pull too pieces to the side and push up to create the look I really like this technique it is quite fidly but with more practice I feel it will be more effective I've realised throughout doing this as a practice that I have to section the plats very evenly and to do the plats very tight so there more secure and stay in the shape there ment to be.
For this I realise the parting isn't right in the center
and that is an aspect I'll take into consideration while doing my final overall I'm pleased with the results but I will practice further to expand the look

Step by step
·         Put the hair into a middle parting
·         Sectioned of the front of the hair
·         Made sure the plats were even
·         Started with a basic three strand plat getting them all the same length then pushing two strands and pulled them up then secured them
·         Take the back of the hair then secure them down flat leaving some out for the bun
·         Start back combing the hair
·         Start clipping sections up to create the bun shape
·         Apply the accessory
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I feel this went well for my test run as it made me see areas on which I need to improve for my final eg: making sure plats are equal and tight and back combing more to make the  bun bigger and appear thicker.  It gave me a better understanding of what  my time management throughout timed assessment had to be and which technique was best to use for each of the processes such as while back combing if i took smaller sections and back combed slowly rather than the speed i was doing it at it would be more effective and last longer. I feel more prepared for my timed assessment now.

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