Friday 5 December 2014

Practising my final design

Practicing my final design
 Im really pleased with this as the first test run for my design I feel my partner did really well in portraying what I wanted Only few aspects I feel that needed to be perfected more are making sure the mow hawk part is equal each side and that the french platt is more secure as some parts were falling out but for the first time going through it I'm more that happy just realise now that there are a few things to touch up on for the final timed assessment. 
first my partner sectioned off the hair that was going to be braided 
Then she did a french platt on each side this was difficult as my hair is short but with practice it got easier. 
then she started sectioning the back of my hair and began crimping leaving it on for adleast 5-10 seconds till she reached the top layer of my hair then she brushed out the crimped hair so it became thicker looking and started back combing too add height. 
I did a step by step so it was easier for my partner to follow 

My design with my partner as the stylist

I'm really pleased with how my partner executed my design I loved the shape she created at the top with the mow hawk  I especially love how it looks from behind I feel it worked so well because we were committed to eachother and both went out of our way to help eachother and worked well as a team.

The only issues I feel occured was keeping the platt in firmly but i do have short hair so that caused an issue while first planning out my hair design,

Overall I'm happy that I had ayelisha as my partner as I feel that the overall result worked really welll.

Timed assessment- partners design

 This is the design my partner gave me she wanted a sleek top half then very back combed and big look buns at the bottom. she also wanted 'wiggle' platts at the top which was a new technique for me which took some practice they were simplistic although you had to make sure you had a tight grip or the would loosen or fall out and making sure my sections for each platt were even

myself and my partner are  not being in the same class therefore I felt I had slightly less time at the begging to discuss ideas and designs we worked through it and showed a real commitment to each other arranging other ways we could practice and doubling up on our practical lessons. and I feel in the end it gave me a better understanding how committed you need to be and was helpful to branch out and work with people I wouldn't have usually.

I feel like I succeeded in producing my partners design and I'm happy with the result I feel putting in alot of practiced helped me as I wasn't rushing because I knew how long each part of the hairstyle would take me.

The only part I would go back and change would be the bun at the back as one side was alot thinner and didn't work out too plan I would go back and add more hair to the thinner side it  made me go back to the other side and make that appear thinner so they wernt as un even.

Three design ideas

Things that I had to take into consideration while doing my designs were;

  • my hair length as its short I wouldn't be able to do certain looks
  • my partners ability
  • If its possible to create during the time given. 

Design idea number 1
 for this I was thinking about creating a padded round shape for the front with plats coming front the front going over the padded hair and leading off into the back I wanted to do a three strand platt look at the front but after alot of consideration I feel that I can expand and create a more interesting and exciting look for my final design although I still do like the idea of this design

Design idea number 2
For this design idea I was thinking of a heart shaped front with a hair accessory in the center of the head with frizzed out hair I do like the idea of this design although I feel the hair accessory brings it more modern I still feel its slightly too elizabethan and I want my final design to incorporate both with out it being too obvious.

Design number 3
                                                        This is my favorite design of all as I feel its the most exciting and has most potential Its not cliche' Elizabethan I feel this design would be worn if Elizabethans were alive in this generation. I want to create a sort of mowhawk look with a french braid going down each side of the head to emphasize the height of the mow hawk I want it to be crimped to create texture, volume and to give it the Elizabethan feel too it. After it being crimped I want it brushed out so it goes slightly frizzy and then back combed to make it stand tall.

Inspiration for my design

Chanel hair by Sam McKnight I was really inspired by Chanels catwalk by the hair stylist Sam McKnight who I feel created a breathe taking look. As you can see the inspiration that has been taken from Elizabeth from the hair colour to the crimped front of hair then the braiding and the angle its at makes it more modern so does the hair accessories. The models pale complextion gives off more of a Elizabethan feel.

Elizabethan accessories

Head accessories were very popular during the Elizabethan era and I feel the right hair accessory and finishing a look as a whole. At that period of time it was fashionable to wear hats and scarfs to cover up a section of hair and it would often give off enough shadow on the face to keep their pale complexion. Mainly the upper class or royalty would wear jewels to show of their place in society
<b>Elizabethan Hairstyle</b> wasand it was a indicator of how rich they were. Women would also wear hair nets they would make the hair nets from silk (if they were rich) and the poor women version would be made from crepe because hair styling during this era was very important. The upper class of society would decorate their nets with gold trimmings and jewels they would also sometimes try and emphasize the netting by wearing pointy hats to add more attention to the area.
 Even in this generation we follow elizabethan trends
   by wearing head accessories My favorite inspiration n of the Elizabethan hats has to be Alexander McQueen's catwalk as it was taken to another level,
mcqueen-1the designer had brought Elizabethan culture into this generation and still kept it modern, exciting and beautiful. I love how dramatic it looks with the whole outfit almost creating a mask to me this adds to the idea of Elizabethan women wanting to keep their skin as pale as possible to appear upper class.

Crimping and Curling

Crimping hair
Equipment needed:
·         Comb
·         Crimpers
·         Section clips

Crimping hair is useful as it adds texture and volume to the hair and does give off an Elizabethan appearance depending on the length and thickness of your models hair effects how look it will take to crimp. My model had quiet long hair and medium thickness.
To start off I sectioned the bottom layer waited for the crimpers to warm up then started crimping leaving it on the section for about 5 seconds to make sure the ‘crimp’ was visible. I carried on doing that till I reached the top layer of hair.
I really love the effect has of crimping hair from the texture, volume and how it can add so much more to a final look it also makes it easier to shape and mold the hair into shapes/looks. 
                 Depending on your models hair eg length and thickness is an aspect you have to take into consideration as it can be time consuming if your model had long thick hair. My model had medium length hair and thickness so It didn't take as long.
Even Beyonce has tried out the crimped hair look showing that Elizabethan hair styles and trends will always come in and out of fashion as Beyonce is so influential that her fans will copy her but may not know where the style originated. Also Katy Perry has gone for the crimped hair look I love the look of the crimped hair it's soft and natural looking like the Elizabethans would have had although the hair cut and colour make it modern.

 As you can see from this portrait of Elizabeth her hair has a slight wave/crimp to it and it is but up into a heart shape in comparison to the modern versions above with their hair down as in Elizabethan times hair down would indicate your a virgin 'pure' on the 15th of january 1559 Queen Elizabeth's coronation took place with her hair long and wavey/crimped down still off the face emphasizing the forehead.


 Firstly I section the hair into layers, then take a section from that and wrap the hair around the curling wound keeping the barrel tight against the hair trying to get the wand as close to the top of the models root without touching the scalp to prevent burning them a way to prevent this is to put your comb between the wand and your models head. Hold approximately 10-15 seconds.
Then it’s time to remove the wand by slowly releasing the tightness and pulling the wand away from the hair itself. I made sure not to touch the curl after it had been released as it would still be hot and not set properly yet after it had set it should stay in place as a curl to make sure it stays in shape hair spray for a longer lasting curl.



Thursday 4 December 2014


French plats
Step by step
·         I Sectioned the top piece of my hair then start of as if I was  doing an ordinary three strand plat
·         I Kept the strands of hair separate but then swapped them over to the other side
·         I Started taking smaller strands of hair and take it over to the other side
·         Then I took the strand of hair I just added and took it over to the middle do the same to the other side
·         I then took the left over strands of hair and brought them to the middle making sure I was pulling the hair tightly so the plat was more secure

·         I kept repeating the process until it went to a basic plat then secured with a hair tie. 
I  I found this technique quite hard and it took awhile for me to get the grasp of it but in the end I knew how to do it. When I do this look again the things I will take into consideration are the size of my sections to make it appear more even and I will make sure its more center as my outcome looks quite slanted  although I'm pleased with the outcome as I've never attempted a French platt before.

                                                                    Fish tail platts

            Step by step
·         First I tied my models hair into a side pony tail
·         Sectioned the pony tail into two parts
·         I then pulled one section of hair from one of the two parts over to the other side and then did the same to the other side
·         Then I kept over lapping hair from the other sides adding more strands as I went on
·         I kept that process going until I had no hair left then tied with a hair tie.

At first I found this technique tricky but after trying it again and again and not over thinking I succeeded in creating a fish tail platt which I a pleased with the results. Things that I would take into consideration while doing this again is to take the same sized sections of hair to make it more symmetrical and to also tighten my grip while doing it so it looks tighter and neater.                                            
             Fish tale platts have also become modern and fashionable with some of the most iconic trend setting famous people wearing them.
I especially love Rihannas version as the red hair sends it back to the Elizabethan era although its a vibrant red which isnt a natural colour I feel it adds more effect to the modern aspect of it all,
                                                           Adding ribbon
  While creating the fish tail like I did for the step by step on the previous piece of paper you do the same process but adding the piece of ribbon as you go along threading it throughout the hair crossing them over. I found this quite difficult to manage although I feel it is effective