Friday 5 December 2014

Practising my final design

Practicing my final design
 Im really pleased with this as the first test run for my design I feel my partner did really well in portraying what I wanted Only few aspects I feel that needed to be perfected more are making sure the mow hawk part is equal each side and that the french platt is more secure as some parts were falling out but for the first time going through it I'm more that happy just realise now that there are a few things to touch up on for the final timed assessment. 
first my partner sectioned off the hair that was going to be braided 
Then she did a french platt on each side this was difficult as my hair is short but with practice it got easier. 
then she started sectioning the back of my hair and began crimping leaving it on for adleast 5-10 seconds till she reached the top layer of my hair then she brushed out the crimped hair so it became thicker looking and started back combing too add height. 
I did a step by step so it was easier for my partner to follow 

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